Enrolling in benefits

The choices you make during enrollment will be in effect for the 12-month plan year from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. However, you may make changes during the year if you experience a qualified life event. If you need to report a status change during the year, you will need to contact the Human Resources Department with the necessary changes within 31 days of the event.

  • Birth, legal adoption or placement for adoption.
  • Marriage, divorce or legal separation.
  • Dependent child reaches age 26.
  • Spouse gains or loses employment or eligibility with their current employer.
  • Death of your spouse or dependent child.
  • Spouse or dependent becomes eligible or ineligible for Medicare/Medicaid or the state children’s health insurance program.
  • Change in residence that changes coverage eligibility.
  • Court-ordered change.

Employees will actively enroll online through Benetrac. To access Benetrac, employees will log in to your PayChex FLEX account at paychexflex.com. Once you are logged in, you can access the “Benefits” tab which will direct you to Benetrac for enrollment. If you do not have a PayChex account, you will need to create one. Talk to your payroll administrator and request a copy of your Worker Profile.

Information on Family and Dependents

  • You may enroll your eligible dependents when you enroll yourself. Dependents who are eligible for benefit coverage include:
  • Your legally married spouse (See Spousal Exclusion at right)
  • Your dependent children
  • Included in the definition of dependent child(ren) are:
  • Your naturally born child(ren), legally adopted child(ren), step-child (ren), or court-ordered dependent child(ren) for whom you are the court-appointed legal guardian
  • Your dependent child(ren) up to age 26 whether they are a fulltime student or not. Coverage ends at the end of the month following the date they turn 26.
  • Your continuously disabled dependent child(ren) [if disabled prior to age 26] who are incapable of self-sustaining employment and dependent upon you for support, regardless of age
  • Dependents may now be covered under the dental plan until age 26.

If your spouse is employed with another employer and is eligible for his/her employer’s group medical, prescription, dental and vision coverage, your spouse is not eligible to enroll in Accupac’s medical, prescription, and dental and vision plans. This exclusion applies regardless of whether the available coverage is contributory or non-contributory. If your spouse does not have coverage available through his/her employer or is unemployed, the spousal exclusion may be waived by submitting a Spousal Coverage Certification.